Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

After re-reading my last post, and considering how long it's been since I posted, you probably thought I fell off the tip of that branch... KLUNK.... never to be heard from again.

Well........I'm back!

Thanks for the input in the comments from “The Journey” post. You are beginning to make me think, which doesn’t come easy for me at times.

My thoughts regarding decision vs. destiny…
I have to approach it from my Christian point-of-view…Just cuz that’s who I am.

Obviously decisions do affect a life, and that life can take many different avenues. As a human being, my knowledge of God is miniscule, but I know God has given us a free will and does not manipulate us as puppets on a string. Psalm 139 says he knows everything about me, even my very thoughts. He might have a specific direction for me to take, but he still leaves the choice up to me. Of course it helps if I ask him. Duh! All to often I take off on my own.

He knows which direction I will take even before I do. Some of these decisions might be wise and take me down the road to peace and contentment, but others can be foolish and might eventually lead me into an uncomfortable situation. Still, wherever I find myself, He will be there. And I know that wherever I am at any moment, God will have a plan to use me and guide me ... if I’m willing.

All in all, I’d say that my belief is that decision wins out over destiny. But whatever the decision, God is there to laugh with me, cry with me, rejoice with me, and hold me in the shelter of his arms.

So, I send many thanks for the input to my friends.

I really must go now and rest my brain.